Nathaniel Hughes

I have a background is in the sciences – after completing a chemistry degree at Edinburgh University I studied herbal medicine at post graduate level for four years in Scotland. I have been in practice with both herbalism and healing now for seven years.

My work as a herbalist and healer is to dig through the layers to find root causes of disease patterns. This is often a fascinating work of investigation as we peel away layers, identifying subconscious impulses that fundamentally affect how we use our bodies, and therefore, how our bodies ‘use’ dis-ease, telling us when something is out of balance.

Over the past 15 years I’ve been co-developing the practice of Insight Herbalism. A style of practice (and now a 1000 hour training) that encourages the client to develop their own deep connection to each plant, and alongside a connection to their body’s response to that plant.

Unlike drugs, herbs tend to act gently and slowly, bringing about shifts at a deep level in our body – but also teaching the body how to be. Herbs, used in their complete form, act on every level of our being – our physical body, our emotions and our spirit. Their strength lies in being powerful allies to healing – ultimately all healing comes from ourselves, but herbs can act as companions, support and guides along the way

My experience with patients has led me down many different avenues of healing: helping people understand their constitution and where their own power to heal lies, healing early life trauma, resetting behavioural patterns learned from parents or society that no longer serve us. If we need to go into areas outside my skillbase, I happily work in conjunction with other therapists or healers (e.g. psycotherapy, body work therapies)

I teach widely and really encourage people to self medicate and learn about herbs themselves. However, if you want to do deep and sustained healing it is invaluable having support through the process. By ourselves it’s very easy to loose the way, often my work is keeping you on a path towards strong health.

My particular interest underlying much of my work is bridging the gap between science and spirit and revitalising our connection to our land.

Overview of healing qualifications:

  • Medical Herbalist (National Institute of Medical Herbalists)
  • Reiki Master (Lineage via William Lee Rand / Osho)
  • Vortex Healing, Seichem, Theta Healing
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Therapeutic Aromatherapy
  • Director of the School of Intuitive Herbalism and founder of the Insight Herbalism qualification.

I consider myself Animist-Buddhist and have a long background of Buddhist practice. I chose and encourage that the Buddhist values of compassion and mindfulness inform my practice.