
This is a statement of my personal principles of practice. I also adhere to the professional code of conduct of NIMH (my professional body).

Principle of service

I aim to work with the skills, knowledge and awareness that I have for the benefit of my immediate community and for anyone asking for support or help who turns up at the door. Though there are guideline prices as a gesture of exchange, all is negotiable according to your needs.

Continual learning and feedback

I am continually training, continually researching, continually learning. I welcome all feedback (positive and negative) and particularly welcome the opportunity to talk with anyone offering feedback as a way of reflecting on and improving my practice or teaching. Currently I am training in Shiatsu to supplement my skills. It is fundamental to me that my clinical practice is my spiritual practice – this means that maintaining the spiritual integrity of what I do will always be more important to me than purely business motivated decisions.

Teaching or therapy? Support or intervention?

My ideal of healing is to create an environment that is supportive for you to better understand (and know the tools for) how to improve your own health. In this I often find myself more as a teacher and companion on the path rather than a provider of medical fixes. Though there is definitely a place for ‘quick-fix’ herbs, medicine or treatment, I maintain that the strongest and longest lasting healing comes when there is greater understanding and more awareness of oneself. I do not particularly differentiate my teaching work from my clinical work – in both people gain knowledge and walk a path of healing.

Sustainable and local

My preference is for British herbs, sourced as locally as possible. Careful wild harvesting is ideal for some plants (there’s no lack of dandelions and nettles!), followed by bio-dynamic and organic methods of farming.

Integrated medicine

I completely support and encourage people you call on whichever disciplines of medicine they feel support them and also encourage them in making autonomous and informed decisions about the choices available to them.


If for any reason you feel the service and support I provide is has not been of value to you, I will happily refund you the costs of treatments as a gesture of goodwill. Obviously ‘cure’ is not always possible, but I fully expect everyone I work with to gain benefits in health or understanding (sometimes immense, sometimes small steps) that help them on the path of healing.

Any comments/suggestions on these principles welcomed.