Archive for April, 2013

New Bursary!

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Thanks to the generosity of a previous student, we are now able to offer one £100 Bursary for each course run. This means there are around 10 available over the year. The Bursary is intended to enable those who would struggle to afford a course to be able to attend.

To apply, simply send us an email with a request and brief outline of your financial situation and we will be happy to help!

Weeds in the Heart

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Mugwort-smallWe are pleased to publish a sample chapter of the book myself and Fiona Owen are working on ‘Weeds in the Heart’. Click on the picture to read my experiences of working with this wonderful herb and Fiona’s experience expressed through her rich paintings and sketches.