Web links
Following is a screened selection of those resources on the web I find useful, fairly trustworthy and fairly non-commercial. There is a lot of commercially biased nonsense on the web – that’s not to say that commercial is necessarily biased, but the nature of business is that there is always a financial bottom line. When dealing with medicine, I’d rather the bottom line was to do with quality of care. Always treat web entries with a pinch of salt, there is much copying and misinformation. Sites overseen by a professional herbalist will give the best reassurance. Misinformation goes both ways – over enthusiasm of the benefits and scaremongering over the risks.
A kitchen knife is lethal to someone who doesn’t understand the consequence of mis-use, yet an essential and useful tool most of the time.
In practice
Good information on using herbs
- Henrietta’s Herbal Forum
- Plants for our future
- Online Herbal Radio
- Unani medicine (humoral approach)
- Christopher Hedley
- SouthWest School of Botanical Medicine
- House of Strauss
Research and medicinal links
(Pubmed is useful for latest research – type first part of latin name of herb for papers)
- Pubmed
- Herbmed
- Medherb
- Herb chemistry
- eMedicine (detailed info about diseases)
- Herb Research Foundation
- Ethnomedica project at Kew