Tutorials – Inner development

A number of previous patients have experienced the work we do at the Apothecary as so  enriching that they choose to continue attending sessions even after the initial illness is resolved. For this reason I’ve created a structure for this continued soul work to happen within.

The continued work takes to form of healing tutorials, intended to deepen your understanding of yourself and your soul journey.

At the start of this work, we set an intention for the next 3 months. This intention may be an aspect of yourself you wish to develop (e.g. courage, fearlessness) or a skill you wish to learn (e.g. mindfulness, body-scanning, journeying). Often the two go together, and the path of exploring one will bring in a range of fascinating insights. Generally we will review your progress at 3 or 6 month intervals.

The tutorials are also appropriate for people wishing to attend courses in Intuitive Herbalism, or to develop skills touched upon in an Introductory course. These include skills such as those above, as well as specific techniques such as soul retrieval, use of drum for journeying, developing awareness to subtle energies and development of knowledge regarding the meridian system, psycho-spiritual body reading and chi. In this context, I can also help guide you 1:1 into plant meetings that can help unfold your own process.

Sessions are 1.5h hours and the typical investment is the same sliding scale as clinic appointments at £45-£60 per session. Most people find a 3 monthly frequency of session (around four a year) sufficient, though if there is need they can be more often.